Rediscovering New York: Dyker Heights

I returned again to the ‘Rediscovering New York’ radio program yesterday, this time discussing a lesser-known Brooklyn neighborhood… Dyker Heights! This is a neighborhood almost exclusively known to outsiders for its famed residential Christmas lights displays. On the program, I discussed this neighborhood’s history, and how a slow-to-develop corner of Brooklyn became a highly sought-after suburban starting at the end of the 19th century. From New York’s only remaining active military base to a large public golf course and massive homes, Dyker Heights stands out amongst many other neighborhoods.

Every December, I offer personalized, private walking tours of Dyker Heights and its world-famous Christmas pageantry. If interested, you can book your tour on our seasonal tours page.

You can listen as a podcast here: A Little Bit Of Italy In Southwest Brooklyn
(Or: Find the show via Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts)